Just a few questions can determine your future!

Do you have sleep issues?

Take 2 minutes and answer the following questions to the best of your ability

iRBD Survey

If you answered yes to 6 or more of the above questions, you most likely suffer from a rare sleep disorder calle REM Sleep Behavior Disordor (iRBD).  I highly recommend you share this information with your Health Care Professional.

DO you have unexplainable issues?

Our bodies are uniquely designed to operate automatically through millions of processes that take place every second.  It is only when the body encounters toxins and environments that are not suitable for optimum performance does the body start to break down.  Researchers are finding out our bodies start to show signs of neurological disorders decades in advance.  It is the intention of this site to share these many conditions in order for individuals can be accurately diagnosed and treated accordingly.  

  1. Do you suffer from chronic constipation – two or less movements per week?
  2. Have you noticed a reduced sense of smell?
  3. Have you lost your underarm odor
  4. Do you have low butyrate levels
  5. Do you get dizzy when you stand up?
  6. Have you be diagnosed with leaky gut or what your doctor might call gut dysbiosis?
  7. Do you have problems swallowing?
  8. Do you suffer from Daytime Sleepiness?
  9. Have you noticed people asking you to speak louder?
  10. Have you ever lived in a moldy home?
  11. Have you ever tested high for chemical toxins?
  12. Have you lost the smell of your flatulence?
  13. Have you noticed tripping frequently or falling?
  14. Have you noticed leg pains or restless leg?
  15. Have you been diagnosed with Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgrowth?
  16. Have you ever been diagnosed with C Diff?

If you answered yes to more than 7 questions, you may be a candidate for Parkinson’s Disease or what I call Pre-Parkinson’s.  I recommend you pour over the research posted on this site and if it reflects your current situation, please reach out to your health care professional.