areas of focus

Are you a researcher dedicated to finding the cause of Pre-Parkinson’s Disease and therapies to slow, stop and even reverse the disorder?  If so,  I need your help. I am looking for researchers willing to collaborate and contribute.  Send me your research both finished and in progress and I will share with our community of those afflicted by this debilitating disorder.  Have a hunch, idea or theory, I am open to implementing if it fits (and in some cases does not) into the categories below.  I will exhaust all options before I will participate in any Big Pharma solution.  So far, their track record in PD is dismal.  Please consider joining my cause of real time open source research in the area of Pre-Parkinson’s Disease.  Just reach out via the contact link and I will respond within 24 hrs.


FASTING, BREATH, SLEEP, diet, exercise, and detox

What we do every minute of the day and night matters to our overall health and how we respond to toxins.  Toxin exposure through the environment or food is the most likely root cause of the Pre-Parkinson’s so the solution will come from the same.

The hope and focus of this site and my research is to find the best diet and exercise protocols in order to stop the progression of the disease and possible remediation.  I personally have been successful in controlling sleep events with diet.


gut dysbiosis

As the result of exposure to toxins, our gut can tell us just where we are regarding our overall health


probiotics, prebiotics & symbiotics

Interdum exercitation penatibus, praesentium facilisi accusamus fermentum, sagittis.


FMt's - ozone - ayahuasca

Interdum exercitation penatibus, praesentium facilisi accusamus fermentum, sagittis.

Forest Tours


Interdum exercitation penatibus, praesentium facilisi accusamus fermentum, sagittis.