Gut Health Guide; Essential Oils Protocol

There’s a reason we shorten the Standard American Diet to S-A-D. Never has a
more fitting abbreviation been seen in the health industry. Our food, and the
way our body processes that food, impacts our health in profound ways.
And, it all starts in the gut.
Put simply, when our gut isn’t healthy and happy, nothing about our bodies is
healthy and happy. Gut health and digestive issues are one of the most common
concerns shared by our Natural Living Family and most of them ask me about
ways essential oils can help.
This book is a direct result of those queries, and the research I’ve done on the
Getting the Most Out of this Book
Before you dive in, though, let me remind you that continuing a S-A-D lifestyle
and using essential oils is like taking one step forward, and two steps back. The
only way to truly heal the gut, regain control of your health and feel like you want
to again is by taking a holistic approach.
● Diet
● Exercise
● Prayer & meditation
● Stress reduction & mood balancing
● Positive thinking & fruitful relationships
● Using natural remedies like essential oils
These are all part of the equation.
As you start your journey, my recommendation is that you first treat the
symptoms related to your gut health issues. For example, using lavender to help
you sleep better, or peppermint to reduce bloating. Something (anything) to get
you on the road to victory! CLICK TO REVIEW